How to Get Rid of Seasickness

Seasickness, also known as motion sickness, is a common and unpleasant ailment that can occur while traveling on any type of vessel – from cars to trains and ships. Fortunately, there are numerous methods for relieving or even curing this irritating travel illness.

Enhancing Sensory Congruence

The best way to combat seasickness is by increasing sensory congruence. This involves making sure the signals from your visual and vestibular (inner ear) systems are in alignment. To do this, try changing positions such as lying down on the floor in a car or sitting in front-facing seat on a train. When moving, keep your eyes focused on an objective point in order to reduce confusion in your brain which could cause nausea or vomiting.


If you’re a novice, it may help to practice avoiding motion before your trip. For instance, if reading in the car makes you queasy, read for a few minutes and then put down your book; repeat this process until it becomes second nature to do without becoming sick.

Other ways to reduce or eliminate seasickness include eating bland foods, taking antihistamines and staying hydrated. It may also be beneficial to avoid other people who may also be experiencing seasickness.

Wearing Wrist Bands

Acupressure wrist bands, which apply pressure to a point near where you would wear your watch, can help prevent motion sickness by stimulating a nerve that causes nausea. They come in various styles and can be found at many drugstores.

Laying Down

According to some researchers, lying down can help reduce nausea by blocking histamine from reaching the brain. This may be a great alternative for people who are uneasy taking antihistamines or don’t want to take them at all.

The “Navy Cocktail”

Another way to combat nausea is by taking a combination of ephedrine and phenergan, commonly referred to as the “Navy cocktail.” This remedy has been known to be successful in relieving seasickness symptoms. However, if you have any medical conditions or take medications that could interfere with its effects, consult your doctor before beginning any new medication regimen.

Selecting Your Itinerary

If you tend to get seasick, opt for itineraries that include calmer bodies of water. Areas like the Gulf of Mexico or Caribbean Seas tend to be much sheltered than most parts of the Atlantic Ocean.

Avoid Boats with Stiff Seats and Low Cabin Height

Some boats have seats that are high up on the back or in the center of the cabin, making it harder to see out of the window and making you dizzy. Instead, opt for a cabin that is lower down on board and in the middle, as this helps reduce motion sensations.

Utilizing Your Voice – Singing aloud in front of yourself in the mirror can help calm your nervous system and may also relieve symptoms associated with motion sickness. Some medical professionals believe this practice has an anti-anxiety effect.

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